Presence as a Practice

A message from the Pleiadians and Arcturians of the 12th Dimensional Collective

We want you to know, first and foremost, that you are loved really and truly. Your contribution on planet Earth at this pivotal time is crucial. We realize your Earth assignment isn't easy and it requires you to feel a lot of emotions that are very uncomfortable. We know that the mission you were given as a baby is being fulfilled in every breath you take. Your presence there at this time should not be taken lightly. As an empath and highly sensitive( they were speaking to me here but many of you are also like me) you bear the brunt of the magnitude of energetic downloads and shifts that are occurring on your planet. This is not an easy task.

Your willingness to not only be on your planet now, but to also choose a path of spiritual awakening and divine servitude to that awakening is something truly remarkable to behold. You amaze us each and every day with your uncanny ability to "soldier" on no matter what circumstances befall you. You and the entire human race are so incredibly resilient.

The show you've been watching recently (they are referencing me watching Anne with an E about Anne of Green Gables on Netflix) gives you an idea of how far you have come and just how far you still have to go there on your planet. But don't be discouraged your very existence is remarkable and so remember that when you feel hopeless or in despair about the state of the world's affairs.

It is true that there is much division there now. But that has always been a necessary part of the souls evolution and return to source. The division you feel externally is a direct reflection of the division many of you feel or will soon realize you feel between you and source and you and the Earth. The deeper you go into connection with yourself the more you will find and uncover that you are truly source embodied. You stand as bridges between Heaven and Earth. An open and clear channel that expresses itself through divine creation daily.

This understanding of the truth of who you are is a necessary part of your souls path. This understanding is something that every being must eventually rise to in order to shift into the next genetic/etheric(interesting reference to genetic evolution here) frequency. This means that you do indeed have a ways to go, but it can also happen a lot faster than you think (they showed me a vision of time speeding up here). Your expansion into the next frequency band has already completed. Your confusion lies in the belief that until those around you "catch up" that you cannot be happy or content in that higher frequency band. This is simply not true. The only thing holding you back from everything 5D has to offer is YOU.

In every moment you have a choice. Do you want to live in the ever present now moment or do you want to focus on past hurts or potential future pains? When living in the now moment you choose to be the divine expression of source embodied. This eliminates the need for shame and guilt (past emotions) or worry and fear(future emotions). When living in the present moment those lower emotional states are all but eliminated from your field. Their expression is so minute that you almost can't feel them at all.

This simple act of presence defines your ability to stay rooted in the truth of who you are moment to moment. This expression of truth is rooted in your ability to stay present in the moment. You see like begets like and truth begets presence and presence begets truth.

This presence can best be attained through quiet reflection time free of the noise of the human collective distractions. This can be compounded when you find time to be quiet in nature. Meditation, tai chi/yoga or other fluid movement can assist as well. These are all possible pathways to the enlightenment of presence that you seek.

But do not discount the simple act of just being still and quiet from time to time. In the early morning light before you rise from bed. In the late evening darkness when the world around you has already gone to sleep. These are potent times for you connect and be in presence.

We had hoped more of you would have realized this sooner with the pandemic and all that your world has suffered, but we see now that many of you are struggling because of the wounds that your separation from source has caused. We sit here in the 12th dimension and it is easy for us to speak of presence because we lack many of the distractions that you have there on Earth. So we have great compassion for those of you who are having a hard time with this process of presence. If you would like we can assist you with this process. If you are willing to open yourselves up to our frequency more and more.

We are here to assist you but we cannot do so unless asked because we are not allowed to interfere. All it takes is a strong intention and an open heart and we will be there waiting with a warm embrace of loving understanding. This embrace and support is unconditional. You do not need to "earn" this support or study tirelessly spiritual teachings to connect with us. We are here all around you. The field of energy that you sit within(they reference and show me the auric field around me here) is all you need to connect with us. It acts as a giant star antenna (they show me a merkaba) in your field directing light and sound waves in and out. This field is the same frequency field that we exist in, an extension of the unified or quantum field as you call it. When you are present in the now moment that field is much more permeable to the support that we provide energetically. This is another reason why it is so important to cultivate presence at this time.

You do not need to wait for a "contact" or "disclosure" event if you open your field up to us we are there. The degree to which you have practiced present time listening skills within your own body and energy field is the degree to which you will be able to feel/sense/hear our presence. But even if you have not honed those skills we will still support you if you ask. Our messages may come in the form of divine synchronicities or "signs" or even in the form of other human helpers being drawn to you to support you. There is always a way to receive from us. All you need to do is ask.

We are Pleiadian and Arcturians of the 12th Dimensional Collective, thank you for speaking with us and spreading our messages of hope to others.



Katie receives information about the energies of month ahead from her guides and each month she chooses the most important topic to deliver a focused online healing circle to support those in the ZWA community in their ascension process. The circles are open to anyone who would like to join.


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