Zen Within Academy

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Trust, Desire, and Worthiness 

Trust is not merely a feeling but a foundational element that underpins our entire existence. This November, as we delve into the mystique of trust, desire, and worthiness, let's explore how these forces interweave to guide our journey.

Unveiling the Power of Trust

The Importance of Trust in Life’s Journey

Our path through life is often unpredictable, filled with as many valleys as peaks. It’s in this undulating terrain that trust becomes our steadfast companion. Embracing trust means accepting that every twist, every turn, has a purpose, a lesson that contributes to our overarching story.

Trust in Personal and Global Narratives

On both a personal scale and a worldwide stage, trust is a catalyst for growth. Whether it’s trusting ourselves to make the right decisions or having faith in humanity to overcome global challenges, trust weaves itself through the fabric of our narratives.

Healing the Father Wound

Understanding the Father Wound

The Father Wound, a poignant theme this November, delves into the core of our being. It’s about reconciling with the divine masculine and, perhaps more challengingly, our biological fathers. This wound, often buried deep within, affects how we relate to the Source, ourselves, and the people around us.

The Impact of Father Wound on Our Lives

The ripples of this wound are far-reaching. By facing and healing this wound, we have the potential to transform our relationship dynamics, our self-worth, and our life direction.

Global Reflections: Conflicts and Healing

It's no coincidence that the world's struggles often mirror our inner battles. The turmoil in regions like the Middle East not only reflects the collective Father Wound but also serves as a canvas for our shared healing journey.

Navigating the Father Wound

Acknowledging Repressed Emotions

Healing begins with recognition. This month, as we navigate the murky waters of the Father Wound, it’s crucial to bring to light the repressed emotions that have been steering our ship unconsciously.

The Role of Shame and Judgment in Healing

Shame and internal judgment act as anchors, preventing us from moving forward. Healing involves lifting these anchors, allowing us to sail freely towards wholeness.

Embrace and Rest in Desire

Desire as a Manifestation Tool

Desire is not just about wanting; it's a potent tool for manifestation. By aligning with the energy of our deepest wants, we set the stage for attraction, drawing our aspirations closer to our reality.

The Art of Magnetic Attraction

True desire requires us to linger, to rest in the magnetic pull of our dreams. This isn't a hurried chase but a serene dance with the cosmos, allowing what we seek to come to us.

Manifest from the Heart!

The Shift from Action to Vision

Manifestation isn't always about doing. Sometimes, it's about being, about envisioning, and letting the heart lead. This November calls for a shift from the head to the heart, from frantic action to purposeful dreaming.

Planting Seeds for Future Growth

Like a gardener with seeds, we must plant our desires with care, nurture

them with our attention, and then let them grow, trusting in the unseen work happening beneath the surface.

November Updates & Invitations

Sacred Pilgrimage to Peru

Looking ahead, we’re excited to invite you to our sacred journey to Peru. It’s more than travel; it’s a pilgrimage of the soul, set for May 2023.

Women’s Retreat and Healing Circle

We also have a few spots left for our November 11th women’s retreat, an opportunity for replenishment and connection. Don’t miss our healing circle on November 8th, a profound gathering to explore this month’s themes further.

New Earth Relating Course

And come January, we launch our 'New Earth Relating' course, designed to breathe new life into the way we relate to one another.


This November is a time to trust the process, to heal old wounds, and to rest in the knowing of our desires. We welcome you to join us in embracing this transformative energy and look forward to having you at our upcoming events. Happy November!